bond-eye x i=Change
We are proud to have partnered with i=Change for more than four years. This year, we will be supporting the following charities. When you make a purchase, you can choose one of the following three charities that will receive $1 of the purchase.

restore the reef
Since 1985, the Reef has lost 50% of its coral cover due to climate change and poor water from land-based run-off. More than 10 million tonnes of sediment from eroded gullies flow onto the Reef every year, smothering corals and seagrass, creating algal blooms, degrading water quality, and weakening the Reef’s ability to recover.
Coastal wetlands are essential. They act like kidneys, filtering out the sediment from agriculture, industry and urban land use. But over 50% of wetlands have already been lost.
Greening Australia and Traditional Owners are working to restore 2,000 hectares of eroded land and 10,000 hectares of wetlands by 2030. This will prevent 400,000 tonnes of sediment from polluting the Reef each year, improving water quality, the Reef’s resilience to climate change, and the livelihoods and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians.
$50 = prevents 1 tonne of sediment from reaching the Great Barrier Reef

empower with literacy
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children continue to fall through the cracks of our education system, trapping them in a cycle of vulnerability and illiteracy. This devastating gap is particularly evident in remote Indigenous communities, where the writing abilities of year 9 students are at year 1 level. If not addressed in the early years, this issue continues into adulthood. In remote areas, up to 70% of Aboriginal adults are ‘functionally illiterate’. This is a national tragedy.
We believe literacy is freedom; to take control of your life, be informed, have a voice, stand up for your rights, resist exploitation, be self-confident and self-reliant. Literacy unlocks the door to learning and a world of endless possibilities.
The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation is transforming lives through community-driven, ground-breaking and best practice literacy programs. Working in English and Indigenous First Languages, ALNF is committed to creating sustainable, long-term change.
$12 = pays for a day of specialised literacy support in an Indigineous community

empower women in the Pacific
In Vanuatu, three quarters of the population live in rural areas and on remote islands - many lack access to clean water, education and essential healthcare.
Women and girls are most disadvantaged by poverty as cultural norms and high rates of violence limit their opportunity to attend school, earn an income or share in community decision-making.
CARE Australia’s Empowering Women in Vanuatu project builds women’s confidence, knowledge and skills to improve their livelihoods, while supporting women to step into leadership positions and participate meaningfully in decision-making at all levels in their community.
This project also connects women with the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce to help them develop an entrepreneurial spirit, grow their small business and increase their income.
$20 = helps a woman grow her business